Ensuring adequate safety at the workplace is of immense importance. If a customer or an employee of yours is injured whilst on your premises, then they have the opportunity to sue. Injuries and accidents DO happen, however, they can also be so easily avoided. But how can you improve general safety at the workplace? Well, when it comes to slippery floors and surfaces, we at Slip No More can assist you!
Our no slip treatments have been especially manufactured for:
- Safety at the workplace
- Safety at home
- Safety at public places such as malls
- Safety with children
- Safety with the elderly
- Porcelain or ceramic tiles
- Tiles for bathrooms and kitchens
- Stairs (we sell adhesive tape especially for slippery stairs)
Although we can personally help you to improve safety at the workplace and in the home, you can also choose to get the job done yourself by purchasing our quality, affordable DIY products. For a mere R399 incl VAT, as well as convenient free delivery in Johannesburg, (outlying areas will be quoted on) you will not be able to cover the same area with another slip prevention product. It just does not get any better than this! In fact, our competitors charge anything between R600and R650 for the same no slip treatments! Slip No More Do It Yourself anti-slip treatment kit creates an invisible tread on slippery floors (such as ceramic and porcelain tiles) that drastically increases the co-efficient of friction providing the treated surfaces with a safe and efficient grip. It also significantly reduces the problem of dangerous surfaces in wet conditions, making it the ideal product for both tiles for bathrooms and kitchens.
Treat Your Porcelain or Ceramic Tiles
Is your home or office kitted out with gorgeous porcelain or ceramic tiles? Then it is up to you to make sure that these surfaces are adequately treated with a professional no slip product. As we have seen in the recent events at Wimbledon 2013, slippery surfaces can cause terrible injuries and accidents – all of which can be so easily avoided!
This year there was plenty of controversy regarding the quality and the general state of the Wimbledon playing courts. Many of the top players were slipping and injuring themselves, some of whom were forced to withdraw from the competition as a result of this. These incidents are testament to the fact that slipping and falling can cause serious injury and have some really negative effects on your life and wellbeing. If YOU want to avoid becoming a victim of the dreaded ‘slip and fall’, then you may want to think about treating your porcelain or ceramic tiles with the Slip No More no slip products.
To learn more about the types of products and treatments that we can offer you, please feel free to get in touch with us. Thanks to Slip No More, it has never been simpler or more affordable to maintain safety at the workplace and safety at home!